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Girls' and Boys' Day at KAYSER Automotive

So Much to Discover

This April, we once again hosted a Girls’ and Boys’ Day at KAYSER Automotive in Einbeck and explored the automotive world together with 31 young people.

The day started with a funny game to get to know each other, followed by a presentation of who we are and what we do. Before leaving for the plant tour, which provided a variety of insights into our manufacturing processes and products, there was of course a short safety briefing.

This event is always something special for us at KAYSER. We experience so much curiosity, amazement and interest at those Events and we are also impressed by the many clever and important questions we hear. We enjoy involving these young people in our day-to-day tasks and processes and we are curious to see how they will shape and design the world of tomorrow.

It was a great day!

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