Innovative and sustainable products – We act responsibly
Acting responsibly and lawfully is one of the basic requirements for our entrepreneurial success. We wholeheartedly support the ten principles of Global Compact and integrate them into our day-to-day activities.
We recognise our social and societal responsibility and aim to be a social and sustainable employer worldwide. Our working environment is characterised by integrity, respect and fair and responsible actions. In doing so, we adhere to ethical standards.
A high level of environmental awareness, resource conservation and energy efficiency are particularly important to us. We always strive to have a positive impact on our environment, as well as to minimise negative impacts so that future generations may also benefit from our sustainability efforts.
Our performance in the area of sustainability is continuously evaluated by participating in sustainability portals such as EcoVadis, CDP and NQC.
Since 2022 KAYSER Automotive Systems has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption.